Clueless buyers


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These sorts of responses really gets me:

I fully understand your point, and I am happy to pay up to £70 for this

this will leave you with healthy £50 profit

As you probably know this domain is not really necessary in fact I have already
bought nicer ones but hey £70 wont kill me and it would be hopefully good help for
you having bought it and sat on it and waited all this long time you deserve it

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I suppose negotiation isn't a bad thing, it's the reasons for offering a certain price that gets me.

The top one makes it sound like the potential buyer is doing you a huge favour by making an offer, even what might be considered a low one.

So far I haven't had one person attempt to make an offer, they have all paid my asking price - thankfully.
You could easily be right, maybe my prices are too low.

But, there are so many domains on the market now, I have to take a decision on whether to hope for sales of a few 'big ones' or sell for lower amounts but make more sales.

I'm not the type who will renew domains, to me that would be a waste of money. I'd rather have a faster turnaround of domains and keep the money coming in.

That way I am happy with the knowledge that if some of my domains do expire, at least it won't be because I asked unrealistic BIN prices.

Just my way of doing things, but I appreciate that what works for one doesn't always work for someone else.
Yesterday got a new excuse - "We want the domain only for 1 or 2 years" so can't pay that high

This was a legitimate end user, who wanted the domain, they already own the .com for the keyword and .
Yesterday got a new excuse - "We want the domain only for 1 or 2 years" so can't pay that high

This was a legitimate end user, who wanted the domain, they already own the .com for the keyword and .

Lease it to them? I've not tried that but could be worth a shot.
Yesterday got a new excuse - "We want the domain only for 1 or 2 years" so can't pay that high

Haven't heard that one before, Since they already several domains you can't help but laugh at their excuse cause you know that they know better! :D
Here's another one:

I just want the domain for a family domain so not really interested in paying thousands or even hundreds of dollars. If it's sitting not being used I appreciate if you could offload it so I can use it.
Here's another one:

I just want the domain for a family domain so not really interested in paying thousands or even hundreds of dollars. If it's sitting not being used I appreciate if you could offload it so I can use it.
Wow, that's pathetic :rolleyes:
Considering the wide availability of new domain extensions, I would struggle to justify even £150. I’ve decided to register [keyword] with a more appropriate and new trendy extension.


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