Infinite scrolling or paged?


This is a design as much as dev question, but which do you find users prefer? Infinite scrolling, where it loads more content as you get to the end of the page, or paged, where you click to the next page. I normally use paged because I've seen too many browsers with odd ways of handling infinite scrolling even on the best coded sites. What's your preference?
I've never given it much thought, but now that I do, wouldn't it be better to get them to click to the next page so that it shows more engagement with different pages of your content to the search engines? Or doesn't it make a difference?
I've never given it much thought, but now that I do, wouldn't it be better to get them to click to the next page so that it shows more engagement with different pages of your content to the search engines? Or doesn't it make a difference?
Thanks for saying that, because it is one of the reasons I prefer paged. If someone clicks to the next page then they don't show as a bounce on my stats, (and I get extra views for my ads!)
..... wouldn't it be better to get them to click to the next page so that it shows more engagement with different pages of your content to the search engines? Or doesn't it make a difference?

In this regard, I don't think it makes a difference. Just make sure that you can fit 2 pages worth of content into 1 if you want the infinite scrolling option. As a reader, I get lazy sometimes so I'm a fan of infinite scrolling.
I guess it's different strokes for different folks. It's a matter of making a choice that is best for your particular audience or site design. Personally I would go with the pages, but I do understand why you prefer the infinite scrolling. Plus if your internet is as slow as some... (mine) then you'd probably get really frustrated with the paged one.


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